Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Protect Your Flock?

Necessity is the mother of invention. The solution we've created for the backyard chicken fancier is borne from just that: Necessity. Like us, do you endeavor to keep chickens while continuing to enjoy other elements of life? The Electric Coop Guard is what we came up with to deal with a great many scheduling conflicts. Now that we have worked out the bugs, so to speak, we can help others enjoy this flexibility too.

Wanting to keep chickens but being home, awake, and free to be outside for that precise 15-minute window each morning and evening to secure the girls' coop from predator invasion was a challenge for us. The moving dawn/dusk target encroached upon other aspects of our lives and made us skeptical of other security methods. If this sounds familiar, the Electric Coop Guard application may allow you the freedom to have your chickens, keep your flock safe, and go places too. Contact Julie for details.

Other cultural controls exist which the clever Chicken Fancier can employ on an urban homestead. Among these include keeping the compost pile contained, brush picked up, foliage and habitat vegetation cultivated to discourage nuisance wildlife from taking up residence. Removing, securing or containing food sources such as garbage cans and/or pet food can prevent transient visitors from being lured into the area. In extreme cases, more drastic wildlife control measures may need to be exercised.

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