Egg Collection

At some point during each day, it is ideal if someone checks the rollaway nest collection area for eggs. The preferred time to do this is in the evening, after all the eggs have presumably been laid. 

Eggs are kept in the pantry, which is at the bottom of the back stairs.  


Through the door on the left... 

Inside the pantry, you will find an egg collection box used to gather the eggs into for transport from the coop to the pantry. 


The gate to the chicken yard can be a challenge to get through; especially with a handful of eggs!  

This is the gate.  Push to open.  It is spring loaded to close behind you.


Once at the chicken house, simply open the doors to the rollaway nest boxes' collection area.  Peek inside to see what has accumulated.   

Chickens are reported to  have a 36-hour egg-laying cycle.  Incidentally, lots of egg laying likes to happen in the morning, and will be accompanied by the Egg-Laying Song.  If you don't already know this song, you will come to recognize it through observation and experience :-)  Each day, more or less, the egg is laid later and later in the day, until finally a day is essentially skipped.  This is (at least one reason) why there are not always the same number of eggs each day.  

In the pantry, eggs are placed into the open container.  Once it is full, it is closed.  Closed, full containers are stacked from left to right, oldest to newest, 2 dozen high.  Newer dozens are placed beneath older dozens, so that when you take the top-most, left-most dozen, it is the oldest.  Make sense?


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